Name: Grayce
Age & date of diagnosis: 2 months / April 8th 2021
Diagnosis: Primary HLH
Location of treatment: Nemours Childrens Hospital, DE
Child’s interests: snuggling everyone, growling at nurses & loud toys with lights.
Journey: Grayce developed a rash almost a month after birth and then began to have uncontrollable seizures on March 25th, 2021. Four days into hospitalization she began having fevers that wouldn’t break. Grayce was admitted to the PICU where she put on a ventilator, dialysis, had a drain placed in her belly, multiple lines & was almost always hooked up to an EEG. She fought long & hard and eventually got to move to the BMT floor to finally have her bone marrow transplant on July 9th, 2021. Grayce is now a happy, healthy almost one year old that continues to fight her hardest everyday to becoming a healthy strong kid.